Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Time's Up! grrrrrr

Steven called and was able to talk for about five minutes this time before his Drill Sargent came by and yelled “Time’s Up!”.

He sounds so good. When asked what he did during his downtime he asked “What downtime?!?!” Steven said they are worked out every single day. We miss him so much and look forward to watching him grow into a good man.

We finally got a letter from Steven! He asked that we tell the Family hell-o and that he misses and loves everyone. He says it is hard to find time to write and he had written the letters in his bunk. We still cannot write to him or send him anything. He says he would “get smoked” by the drill sergeant. Steven said they are rotating the Platoon leader responsibility. He is working hard and wants to make everyone proud.

Please send him your prayers and support. Steven has a long road in front of him. We will be able to see him at graduation in Georgia, and then he is off to AIT training. The next opportunity we would have for him to come home, depending on his schedule, would be in January.


Anonymous said...

Gosh it sounds like you are really adapting to the Army very well, I guess you were right after all; You know, you were born to be in the Army. At least you have been able to call and that is wonderful. Steven honey I am so proud of you miss you terrible and love you so very much. Can't wait till graduation so I can see you in that uniform just know you are going to be so handsome and you know what? The girls won't even notice the birth control glasses. LOL
Love you,
your "PROUD"
Mammaw C in TN

brenda barnette said...

hey steven,this is your mamaw in indiana,sure do miss you alot.sounds like you are doing just fine.I knew you would.You have all the right inter feeling for this kind of job.Bet it feels so good to have your very own pay check?That's the only way to go.Very proud of you.I can hear your voice everyday with the little song you sung on it.I love it.Have you got to met some buddy's yet?I'm sure you have,you met people very easy.Patty,Devon and Kayla said hi and that they love and miss you alot.I would love to have a picture of you in your uniform with the hair cut.I say goodnight for now.loves and hugs.