Thursday, December 10, 2009

Steven needs your prayers right now. He is going thru a rough spot and needs our love and support. Please be there for him.

Soldier's Psalm 91 Prayer
By Harriet Yoder
O Lord Most High, help me to dwell in your secret place and abide under Your shadow.

Help me to believe and say out loud for everyone to hear that You are my refuge and my fortress; that You are my God; and that in You I put my trust.

O Lord God Almighty, please deliver me from hidden traps and diseases.

Father God, cover me with Your camouflage; hide me under Your wings; and let Your truth be my shield and buckler against the fiery darts—the lies—of the enemy.

Lord Jesus, help me not to be afraid of terrorists' attacks in the night; or weapons that fly by day; or sicknesses that walk in darkness; or destruction that wastes at noonday.

O Holy God, though a thousand fall at my side, and ten thousand fall at my right hand; please let it not come close to me and my companions.

O Lord Most High, let me live to see the reward of the wicked, because You are my refuge and my home. Let no evil conquer me and let no plague come into my house or near my family.

O Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer, please set angels over me to keep me in all Your ways, to bear me up in their hands and to keep my feet from stumbling.

Father God, help me to tread upon the lion and adder and trample the young lion and the dragon under my feet.

Lord Jesus, I love you with all my heart and I know Your name. Deliver me and lift me on high to soar with the eagles. I call upon you to be with me in times of trouble to deliver and honor me because I know Your name. Please show me Your salvation and satisfy me with a long life.

I ask this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Steven has been assigned to the 1st Calvary Division Fort Hood, TX

I am thankful my son is safe today

Remember those throughout the world who are less fortunate than we, remember those who are not with family this Thanksgiving holiday, and hold close in your thoughts and prayers those who sacrifice to keep us safe and comfortable at home.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Soldier

There is discipline in A Soldier
you can see it when he walks,
There is honor in A Soldier
you hear it when he talks.
There is courage in A Soldier
you can see it in his eyes,
There is loyalty in A Soldier
that he will not compromise.
There is something in A Soldier
that makes him stand apart,
There is strength in A Soldier
that beats from his heart.
A Soldier isn't a title any man
can be hired to do,
A Soldier is the soul of that man
buried deep inside of you.
A Soldier's job isn't finished after
an 8 hour day or a 40 hour week,
A Soldier is always A Soldier
even while he sleeps.
A Soldier serves his country first
and his life is left behind,
A Soldier has to sacrifice what
comes first in a civilian's mind.
If you are civilian -
I am saying this to you.....
next time you see A Soldier
remember what they do.
A Soldier is the reason our land
is 'Home of the free',
A Soldier is the one that is brave
protecting you and me.
If you are A Soldier -
I am saying this to you.....
Thank God for what YOU do!

Angela Goodwin

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It's a comfort to know there are heroes among us-regular people, just like you-willing to do what they can to make the world a better place. Heroes give instead of take. They act instead of talk. They step forward and do the hard and unseen jobs, to give the best of themselves-measuring their own success not by wealth or comfort, but by the lives they touch along the way. That's what heroes do-and you are one of those people. Maybe you don't think of yourself that way-but that's what you are. And I just want to tell you how grateful I am to know you and to know that there are heroes like you in the world.

J.F Peterson

Monday, November 16, 2009

We love you sooo much Steven!

You don't really understand human nature unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his parents every time around - and why his parents will always wave back. ~William D. Tammeus

Congratulations son!

Steven has completed his Basic Training and we couldn’t be more proud. The trip to Georgia was amazing. To see him and hold him was……..well I can’t find the words.

Steven is now at Fort Gordon attending Advanced Individual Training (AIT). He will be there until February sometime, I believe.

Steven says to mail him every flavor of beef jerky possible, candy and his blue jean jacket – lol. His address at the present is:

Private Woodward, Steven
Echo Company 551
Signal Battalion
Fort Gordon, GA 31905

Monday, September 7, 2009

I love getting mail!

Got a call from Steven this morning! Whoo Hoo, Happy Day! Steven sounds great! He says to send more letters and pics. He loves to hear from everyone and he is looking forward to seeing everyone on graduation day!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Norman Schwarzkopf:
The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.

You are alomst there Steven!

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, learning from failure. ~Colin Powell


Steven is on his way to graduating Basic Combat Training.

Bravo Company holds a Family Day the day before graduation beginning at 9:00 am on September 30th at BLDG 3245 Bravo / 2-47 Company Training Area. Following a short Family Day ceremony, Steven will get a day pass to spend some well deserved time with us. Graduation will be October 1st at 9:00 am at The National Infantry Museum and Soldier Center located at 3800 South Lumpkin Road. We will have several hours to spend with Steven after BCT graduation.

IMPORTANT: In order to gain access to Fort Benning and Sand Hill, drivers must have current state registration and insurance along with a valid driver's license. All occupants over the age of 10 must have a valid photo ID card.

On Friday, October 2nd, Steven will be transported to Fort Gordon, Georgia - the largest communications-electronics facility in the free world - to complete Advanced Individual Training (AIT). The training Steven receives during AIT is designed to teach him his Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) that he will use once he reaches his first assignment.